ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog

Markdown cheatsheet


**bold** *italics* ~~strikethrough~~ ==mark==

bold italics strikethrough mark


# Big header
## Medium header
### Small header
#### Tiny header

Big header

Medium header

Small header

Tiny header


* Generic list item
* Generic list item
* Generic list item

1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
3. Numbered list item
  1. Numbered list item
  2. Numbered list item
  3. Numbered list item


[Open in same tab](http://www.example.com)

[Open in new tab](tab:http://www.example.com)

Or use the heading id (the slugified name of the header) as an internal link...

[Internal link](#headers)


Open in same tab

Open in new tab

Internal link

Typographic replacements

Bear Blog(r)(c) is a Good Blog(tm) that took +-3 years to perfect.

Bear Blog®© is a Good Blog™ that took ±3 years to perfect.

I drink H~2~O at the 6^th^ and 12^th^ hours of the day.

I drink H2O at the 6th and 12th hours of the day.


Adding a single line break will not be rendered as a line break.

Here's some text.
Here's some more text.

Here's some text. Here's some more text.

To add a single line break use a \ or two spaces at the end of the line.

Here's some text.\
Here's some more text.

Here's some text.
Here's some more text.

Adding 2 line breaks starts a new paragraph.

Here is one paragraph with lengthly text.

Here is another.

Here is one paragraph with lengthly text.

Here is another.


Here is a simple footnote,[^1] and here is a longer one.[^named-note]

Then at the bottom of your post...

[^1]: This is the first footnote.

[^named-note]: Here is another one.

Here's a simple footnote,1 and here's a longer one.2


> This is a quote.
> It can span multiple lines!

This is a quote.

It can span multiple lines!


Need to upload an image? ImgBB has a great interface (or you can upgrade your Bear account).

![Cheatsheet image example](https://i.ibb.co/Vvh17pr/3jxqrKP.jpg)

Cheatsheet image example


| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John     | Doe      | Male     |
| Mary     | Smith    | Female   |

Or without aligning the columns...

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John | Doe | Male |
| Mary | Smith | Female |
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
John Doe Male
Mary Smith Female

Displaying code

`var example = "hello!";`

Or spanning multiple lines...

var example = "hello!";

var example = "hello!";

var example = "hello!";

For language specific syntax highlighting, specify the language at the beginning of the code block.



For writing mathematical notation using LaTeX check out this guide.

  1. This is the first footnote.

  2. Here's another one