ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog

Praise for Bear

Since the inception of Bear I've received many wholesome emails and comments from writers on the platform. Thanks for making my day(s).

05 July 2024 - Dan

I found your platform a few days ago and immediately subscribed. Everything about it, from your docs to your obvious values is awesome. I love the ability to create multiple subdomains for different topics. I’m using a custom domain with cloudflare and the setup process was extremely smooth and easy. I was previously building my own site with Javascript and React for a couple months but decided to jump ship to your platform instead. It’s exactly what I need.

12 June 2024 - Ise

Being here has settled the mental chaos of being on other platforms. Thank you for creating Bear Blog!

06 June 2024 - Alys(son)

Hullo! I love this thing you built! tyty :)

03 June 2024 - Bev

Hi! I absolutely love Bearblog, especially the Discovery Feed. It reminds me of what blogging used to be like in the early days.

02 June 2024 - Geziel

I have used your service and enjoyed very much. I like the minimalism and idea of long term surviving platform.

22 May 2024 - Michael

I’m going out of my mind here! It is so elegant. Thank you for making this.

21 May 2024 - Quincy

I recently came across Bear Blog and moved my personal site over. I absolutely love it. I’ve been a WordPress user / designer for about 15 years, and I’m honestly kind of over it. I’m craving simplicity and a lightweight site.

19 May 2024 - Nathan

I can’t tell exactly what it is, but the quality of what you’re doing with Bear feels refreshing, and solid in contrast to almost everything digital today, which feels exciting on day one, and slimy on day 2. I’m currently on substack with 3500 subscribers. I went there because it seemed simple and I saw potential for community. A week in, I felt somehow recruited to act as a cog in someone else’s idea. That’s the feeling I get with just about any digital platform of any kind.

22 April 2024 - Owen

just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating Bear Blog. Through Bear Blog, I discovered that my writing can make people smile and laugh. If it was not for Bear Blog, I don't think I'd discover the joy of having a creative outlet too.

17 March 2024 - Derek Sivers

I've been recommending people to Bear many times, and each time they get back to me thanking me for how wonderful it is.

12 March 2024 - tiramisu

Bear feels very much like home to me now so I'm glad you keep giving us quality of life improvements while keeping true to the spirit of Bear.

08 March 2024 - nectarine

Thank you, Herman, for making this simple, beautiful blogging site. Not all poems are made with words - sometimes they are made with code.

07 March 2024 - Kamil

Thank You! Your site is awesome! I really enjoy it. It's simple, fast and focus on privacy and pure writing. Great idea!

19 February 2024 - Patrick

Hey, just wanted to commend you for your work on Bear. It's gorgeous, you did an amazing job on this. I'm glad you're charging something for premium. Well worth it. Super easy to use and the design is incredible. Minimalistic but not at the expense of functionality. I was dreading starting a blog (I use Wordpress for the main design of my site) but as soon as I saw this I knew it was the right choice.

03 January, 2024 - Josh

Hey, thanks for making a user friendly and open blogging platform.

09 October, 2023 - Abhi

You have created a writer's dream. I can't tell you the number of people I have already recommended it to. The simplicity of the platform is admirable and inspiring. And I can imagine the complexity of work that you would've put in to bring this simplicity to life.

27 September, 2023 - Mark

Thanks for all that you do with Bear Blog. Over the past few days, I have read so many interesting & lovely posts on the discover feed. I've also read several of yours and found them to be very insightful.
I now have a place write my more personal thoughts.

30 August, 2023 - Peter

I’m really impressed by what you’re doing with Bearblog—definitely going to take the platform for a spin. In particular, I think the discover feature is brilliantly executed. What also stands out to me is the sheer performance and clean, lightweight nature of the service. It’s a breath of fresh air amongst a web full of so many bloated websites these days.

23 August, 2023 - Hazy

Thank you for providing a valuable service that has been lacking - a blog that really feels like your own personal website, not just a profile. :) I like how the blog actually feels like my blog.

21 August, 2023 - Maurice

Sorry for the random DM but I had been going back and forth in my mind about spinning up a blog and what template/framework/cms/whatever-tech to use and then decided to try out Bear blog 😄 So damn happy I did too! I wanted something straight forward for myself and this is honestly perfect Hopefully I end up doing some more writing 🤞 Just wanted to drop a message to say hello and thanks for building it!

19 June, 2023 - Timo

Keep up the great work, Herman. You are providing something really unique and helping build a better Internet.

17 May, 2023 - Derek

Love Bear Blog. It's what got me going from talking about blogging to actually doing it!

14 May, 2023 - Andrew

thanks for making a cool thing and putting it online. i've found a lot of value in journaling myself, and i appreciate when i come across someone like you making stuff and blogging, without sweating the "SEO and social media" angles of it all. props and keep up the good work!

17 January, 2023 - Jason

I needed a quick and easy blog to publish notes to and decided to try out Bear Blog. I usually use a Kirby CMS that I self-host but had trouble logging in on my phone. Since I needed to post something immediately I signed up with Bear and got my blog up. I love the markdown based editor and how quickly everything loads. I’m totally on board with a tiny internet so I’m glad this exists. I don’t have any critiques. Thanks for creating Bear Blog.

30 November, 2022 - Jay

Thank you for the platform you've created. I love the philosophy behind it and it really resonates with me.

24 November, 2022 - David

I absolutely love the simplicity and beauty of the system. You're building something really amazing.

21 November, 2022 - Marc

Bearblog is exactly the minimalist tool I was searching for. Thanks for providing it!

19 November, 2022 - Seb

I just wanted to say thanks for making and continuing to work on Bear – I don't have a blog (yet), but just as a reader it's such a breath of fresh air compared to most of the internet. You really are making the web a nicer place to be :)

14 November, 2022 - Jyotsna

I resonate with your ideology and the intentions you have with Bear. Thank you for making some space for me in your garden.

9 October, 2022 - Patrick

I would just like to thank you for your work on Bear blog. Its minimal, text-focused approach makes a nice change.

5 September, 2022 - Jonathan

Thank you for developing Bear Blog. I really like the simplicity and minimal approach that foregrounds blog content over design tricks. It is a very refreshing approach.

25 August, 2022 - Aravind

Bear feels like meeting a long-lost friend.. or a part of myself that I missed for about a decade. I feel at home reading posts on Bear. It's very cozy, it's warm, it feels like curling up with a book on a rainy day. It feels like sanctuary where there is a beautiful silence but with a spirit of life and love filling the air. Thank you, Herman.

19 August, 2022 - Dario

Thanks for building such a cool platform!

13 July, 2022 - Julian

Just wanted to send you a quick email because I really love Bearblog! I recently created a blog on it and donated and I've really been loving the experience. The simplicity of using it and the UI are great. I love the feel of it and it seems to have a great community around it too. I tried making a blog with wordpress before but found it too complicated and bloated. Your platform is amazing and I love the feel and character of it. Great job!

9 July, 2022 - Daft Chuck

I've been lurking on Bear Blog quite a bit, and I've developed an appreciation for it. I really like what you're doing with it. Thank you for keeping Bear free! Keep up the good work! You know this better than I do, but Bear has already developed its own culture. The blank slate of the platform enables people to express their true selves in a way I haven't seen before. I see longer and higher quality posts mixed in with daily status updates that are four sentences long yet still manage to have meaning.

6 May, 2022 - Bob

Just wanted to say that I've just started playing around with Bear Blog, and it's so much of what I have been looking for (in that it's the perfect amount of little). I've been blogging since the early 00s and this is what I've been looking for ever since I stopped back in 2015. And, thank you for markdown!

7 March, 2022 - Jakub

I recently came across bearblog.dev and let me be honest - it is super awesome! I used to use WordPress and found out that there are other solutions like bearblog.dev and writefreely.

20 November, 2021 - William

I’ve just found and started using bear blog. Well done. I was looking for something simple (without going back to coding my own separate HTML pages) yet flexible.

2 July, 2021 - Victor

Hope this email finds you. Recently started using Bear blog, it is an awesome product. I am a student from a village in India, the internet speed is a bit slow, but bear blog is fast, it is simple and easy to use. Keep up the good work Herman!

26 June, 2021 - Dirk

Thank you for such a great product - your passion for it is inspiring.

16 April, 2021 - Sean

I was on StumblingOn, came across Bear through it and love it. I got stunted on hobbies months ago because of mental issues and seeing your constant flow of journals and projects you make is so inspiring.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. They really do make a difference.
